When you’re getting ready to move, it’s common to be so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start! The team at Early Bird Moving understands that all too well, so we’ve put together a handy guide.
We believe in planning ahead and organization. Here are some top checkpoints you should hit before your residential or commercial move.

This step involves sorting and getting rid of what you don’t need.
Start by culling through each room in your current house to organize and start packing unused items. This includes off-season clothing, antiques, the china cabinet, and artwork.
Utilize resources like Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji, and thrift shops for unwanted items that still have value. High-end clothing, appliances, footwear, sporting goods, and slightly outdated televisions are all excellent candidates for resale and donation.
Compile documents like birth certificates and passports into a binder or box. Begin the process of school transfer, place move orders or cancellation notices for your utility companies, and set a date for utility activation at your new address.
Things will start to feel a bit more real at this point. This step involves plenty of administrative tasks.
Be sure to book accommodations if the move is out of town with a gap before taking possession of your new home. Book refundable rates with plenty of wiggle room should you need to make adjustments.
Contact prospective insurance brokers to organize tenancy insurance or homeowner’s insurance as well as automotive. If you’re not switching providers, be sure to update them of your new address and contact information as soon as possible.
If you’re switching family doctors, be sure to ask your current family doctor for recommendations in your new area or place yourself on your new province’s waiting list if applicable.
Serious packing starts at this checkpoint. Check out our Packing Guide for further tips and well as insight on how we can assist you with packing and unpacking.
Create a list or spreadsheet for each room in your house so you can keep track of packed items. Detailed labelling and numbering of your boxes are also great organizational tools.
Be sure to pack starting from least-used items and work your way up to your most heavily used items like toiletries, remotes, and computers.
During this time, start using up frozen food as well as sauces and dressings in the fridge that won’t survive a long move. Not only does this reduce waste, but it saves you space as well.
Crunch time. During this timeframe, check in with your movers and set up proper insurance for your valuables during the transfer.
Be sure to request adequate time off of work or tell clients that you will be unavailable during your move. It helps to add a rest day or two on top of that for unpacking and enjoying your new space.
Tie up loose ends with packing and be sure all that’s left is a few sets of clothing, cash and credit cards, valuables, and basic toiletries. Be sure to have healthy snacks on hand and budget for a few meals eaten out or ordered in, as it will be some time before you’re able to properly grocery shop.
Ensure that your home is fully packed and organized before it’s time to move. If your movers are assisting with packing, make sure your items are organized and clean.